Launch Event 3. October
Zurich, Switzerland
Fraumünsterstrasse 12
CH-8001 Zurich
At the event, we will present and discuss the key findings of the study regarding the current and future revenue potential of the business models Banking as a Service (BaaS) and Embedded Banking. The study enables both Swiss banks and Swiss companies to exploit these potentials in the future in a targeted manner.
Dr. Manuel Thomet and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Koye will present the study results, which will then be discussed in more detail in a panel discussion. This gives you the opportunity to take away concrete insights directly from our event.
An aperitif will then provide an opportunity to exchange ideas with the study authors, other study participants, and the experts present.
18:00 – 18:30
Doors open & check-in
18:30 – 18:45
18:45 – 19:30
Presentation of the study
19:30 – 20:00
Panel discussion
20:00 – 21:15
Aperitif & networking
Panel Participants
Eva Selamlar-Leuthold
Head Swiss Financial Innovation Desk (FIND)
Manuel Kunzelmann
CEO Migros Bank and President of the Board
Ruedi Noser
Entrepreneur and former member of The Council of States and National Councillor
Dr. Christoph Thomet
CEO Musik Hug
Raphael Bianchi
Senior Partner Synpulse,
CEO Synpulse8 & President OpenWealth Association
Head of Study
Dr. Manuel Thomet
Initiator and Co-Head of study
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Koye
Academic Partner and Co-Head of Study
About the Study
This study aims to contribute to a better understanding among Swiss banks and non-banks (embedder) of the economic potential of embedded banking and the prerequisites for the successful implementation of new business and operating models.

The core objective is to create a business management foundation for assessing the current and future revenue potential of embedded banking and banking as a service (BaaS), thereby providing management boards and executive teams with concrete support on the path to future-proof business models.
Phase 1
In Phase 1, all stakeholder groups (consumers, embedders, enablers, banks) were quantitatively surveyed using specifically developed online questionnaires. The aim was to investigate how the current and future use of embedded banking and the associated products or services in Switzerland is presented, both on the demand and supply sides. What drivers exist for the topic on the supply side? What are the current challenges and how is the economic relevance assessed?
Phase 2
Phase 2 of the study dedicated itself to a deeper discussion of the topic and an initial validation of the results from Phase 1 in a qualitative focus group design. In this phase, embedders, enablers, and banks were the focus of the research. The goal was to verify the plausibility of the findings from Phase 1 and to derive strategic guidelines or success potentials for embedded banking from the perspective of the three stakeholder groups.
Phase 3
Phase 3 concluded the methodological approach with qualitative individual interviews with representatives from the strategic decision-making context at the C-level. The focus of this phase was on validating the findings from Phases 1 and 2 with embedders and banks.